I Have Dreams

I Have Dreams - 3 days 'Til Christmas. This band is one I feel would fit into the area of being a life changing band for the listener. I Have Dreams was an amazing screamo band from Tally Florida that only lasted from 1998-1999 (roughly six months) but made a big impact in the scene. They formed after the death of one of their best friends (who also was a band-mate in the previous band New Ethic.) all of the songs on here deal with his passing. After I Have Dreams broke up most members went on to be in "A New Kind of American Saint". This band means the world to me, there's a lot of bands that have had a high place in my life but none will ever be as high as this one.

New Ethic - Summer Demo ‘98 this was the band before I Have Dreams, they were an up-an-coming band in 1998 until tragedy struck as the band was on their way to play an out of town show, & a car crash claimed the life of member Daniel. After his passing New Ethic played one final show and soon after I Have Dreams started up. Both of these recordings are great to have in your collection.

IHD was:
Allen Compton - vocals
Mike Peters - vocals
Mike Hanson - guitar
Ben Seals - bass
Clayton Rychlick - drums.

I Have Dreams & New Ethic Demos


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