Nervous Breakdown
Nervous Breakdown were a hardcore band from Orlando that formed in 2002 and broke up in 2009. Nervous Breakdown have always had a place in my heart for many years, for the love I have of this band knows no end Their live shows were always something to remember, because they were some of the best around here. Full of singalongs, pileups, heavy moshing and of course some violence thrown in. The 1st two demos (which have Shaun on vocals) are awesome but I have to say that I love the LP (with William on vocals) more due to the harsher sound which has a bit of an "American Nightmare" sort of style mostly because of the vocal presentation being different between the two singers. I remember every show I went to very fondly, but one moment that shines the brightest to me was when the members had a cover band going on that played on Sundays at the Backbooth in Orlando for something they call "Sick Of It Sundays". One of the nights the guys were doing a set of Blink 182 songs and before ending the night Bubba announced that they were going to play the Nervous Breakdown song "I-4" and then called me up on the stage to sing the song along side Josh Call and I think one other dude, silly I know but I was really stoked on it. Some of the members were or are in Reversal of Man, Nightlights, Meantime, Casey Jones, Glory Days, Evergreen Terrace, Drop The Gloves, Make or Break, Tigerstyle & Backkkcorpse. Thanks alot to Josh Call for letting me upload A Lifetime Of Letdowns on here. On the Download for the LP i have included a live set which isn't the best but its something extra & also I found this old joke recording called "Charlie's Crazy Ex" that used to be on the Myspace along time ago. It's just a funny phone message. NB would be for fans of American Nightmare, Blacklisted, Madball, Terror, Agnostic Front, & Integrity.
"We're going to live fast and probably die young so we can fucking rot under the Florida sun"
NB was at times:
jawn willy - drums
matt s.- drums
chiptooth - drums
brian - drums
mike c. - drums
jason southwell - bass
drew - bass
bubba smith - bass/guitar
charlie - bass
white rob - bass
breed - guitar
jason - guitar
rick - guitar
josh call - guitar
shaun noonan - vocals
william necktats - vocals
zack - vocals
mullet - vocals
korey - vocals
Teen Beat Hardcore Demo
Lace Up, Brace Up, Smash Your Face Up Demo

A Lifetime Of Letdowns LP & live set
buy a lifetime of letdowns
sing along to a lifetime of letdowns
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