xONE FIFTHx was an awesome Melodic Hardcore band from Tallahassee that formed around 2001, they were also known as just one-fifth before the split with Evergreen Terrace came out. They were around for a couple of years & played alot with A New Kind Of American Saint. Sometime during the life of the band member brandon went to jail and their friend sean had to fill in for awhile. Some of the highest points for them would be when they played the Pigs Is Pigs tour (with Evergreen Terrace & Strateia), & when they played Hellfest 2002. After breaking up Lars & Brandon formed Kids Like Us, & Scott went on with members of Strateia to form Slowdance. Forever one of my favorite bands, someone sell me a shirt.

xone fifthx was:
Lars Lundquist - Vocals
Scott Baker - Guitar
Danny Copa - Guitar
Brandon Hurst - Bass
Adam Reid - Drums
Sean - Bass (fill in for Brandon)

self titled EP

split with Evergreen Terrace

Iron Giant Demo

Myspace(fan site i made)


  1. Seems like all of the pictures you uploaded to the Myspace are dead; if you or anyone else out there reads this I wouldn't mind exchanging some details if you have any photos related to this band (;


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